Analytics and Strategy
Credit Oman
Credit Oman engaged actoRx to deliver a feasibility study regarding extended operations and additional product offerings. The study covered, in particular, a discussion regarding Oman’s strategic goals, trade patterns and demand, existing offerings and market gaps, as well as the feasiblity of extended operations regarding directions, execution including new products, and potential results. The consulting work took into account global best practices, covering economic impact and key performance indicators.
The Oman 2040 Vision lays down the foundations for a knowledge-based and export-driven economy. Social and economic success is increasingly interconnected due to extensive international trade and rising capital flows. Shifts in global economic power, political conflicts, climate change, demographic change and the 4th Industrial Revolution are altering Oman’s competitiveness. The Sultanate will rely on economic diversification with a focus on technology, knowledge and innovation.
Our worked included several important dimensions: It provided the macroeconomic perspective, discussing strategic goals, trade patterns and the country’s competitiveness. It also covered a market analysis regarding financing demand, current offerings and financing gaps. In addition, our consulting support focused on Oman’s direction, execution and results, also looking at a possible approach for new products. actoRx provided a way forward including decisions and further action.