Dr Hans Janus
Senior Associate
Dr Hans Janus is a Senior Associate with actoRx Advisory. He works as a consultant for financial institutions and governments, mainly in the areas of international finance, export promotion and commercial law development. Being a Supervisory Board Member of mid-sized, export-oriented corporates in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and a former Supervisory Board Member of a large international bank, Dr Hans Janus is heavily involved in global export finance activities.
Practice Areas
Organisational Design
Operations & Change
Previous Positions
Having been the CEO of Germany’s ECA Euler Hermes for more than 20 years and having served as President of Berne Union, the International Union of Export Credit and Investment Insurers, Dr Hans Janus has a vast experience in export finance and trade credit insurance. After retirement at Euler Hermes, Hans Janus has supported numerous governments, banks, EXIMs and ECAs with strategy and legal consulting.
Dr Hans Janus studied Law and Russian language at the universities of Bochum and Hamburg. He was also an exchange researcher at the legal faculty of Moscow Lomonossov State University. In addition to his 1st and 2nd Legal State Exam, he holds a doctoral degree in law.